Thursday, September 15, 2011


I'm quickly becoming used to being busy full days again. When I think about it, it's been nearly a year since I have been busy full days. I nearly forgot how much energy it takes to be able to either work or study all day long. Last week I was extremely tired by the end of the week (and the weekend was almost no rest, either). This week, while I am tired, I am feeling much better. Besides, being the dork that I am, I enjoy school and exercising my brain. It feels good to be challenged.

I mentioned above that the weekend was almost no rest, either. On Saturday J and I woke up at 8:30 (fairly early for us on a Saturday) and drove to Gothenburg to celebrate J's sisters' birthday at her family's apartment. First when we got into town we went straight to Nordstan to purchase a birthday gift for J's sister from The Body Shop (there is also a Swedish website but I figured since I write in English I'd list the US version). I always look forward to going to Nordstan, only to be disappointed when arriving. The frustration that comes with so many people shopping and seeming inept at how to move and interact with the public outweighs the chance of having some fun while shopping. It always ends up as J and I trying to get out ASAP. We then proceeded to J's sisters' apartment in Eriksberg and enjoyed a nice afternoon and evening there.

After a bit it became just J's sisters' family and J and I and it was fun. Their two little daughters are so delightful to be around. The main reason for titling my post "Improvements" is a reference to my improvement in Swedish. The younger daughter is just now old enough to begin understanding language and is able to respond through nods and shakes of her head. I decided to try out my Swedish on her and to my surprise and delight she understood me and would respond in kind. For example, I would ask, "Ska du komma hit?" (Shall you come here?) while holding out my hands, and she would nod and walk to me. We became great play pals. One funny thing to mention, for some reason J scared her almost the whole day. Never before had it happened, but if she looked at him, she would become frightened and begin to cry if no one consoled her very quickly. I found it rather humorous.

Sunday I had the grand idea to sit at home all day and do almost nothing, besides laundry, but alas we were invited to J's parents' house for Sunday lunch. It was really good food as always, and luckily we didn't stay too long because I had booked a time to do my laundry and I wasn't going to give that time up! So I felt like I always had something going on this past week, even over the weekend. I'm lucky I don't feel more tired. But as stated, I'm quickly becoming used to a busy life again.

Korta Vägen is beginning to feel better to me. In a nutshell, this week we were told which group we were in and the days or times we've been split into our groups have been great. They feel much more productive and more conducive to learning. Today just another student and I received extra material in the form of a book loaned from the teacher because she noticed that we were done much more quickly with various tasks than the rest of the class. I was pleased to see that she noticed us both individually and decided to challenge/help us to learn the language more at our own level and pace. As I've said previously, at first the program seemed too slow and simple for me. It's beginning to pick up and I am glad.

Tomorrow is thankfully Friday. Again we have another family engagement for someone else's birthday (J's family is rather large on his dad's side). I look forward to this endeavor, though. Apparently there will be an outdoor archery competition - I have no idea if I will even do well but I look forward to the event! Being outside right now is enjoyable (when it's not raining) because the air is becoming more and more crisp. Besides, we have to enjoy the outdoors while it's still relatively warm outside! Soon enough we'll be taking 10 minutes each day just to suit up and go outside. ;-)

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